What is Hemp?
Hemp has been part of human culture for more than 10,000 years. As far as we know, it is one of the oldest domesticated cultures known to man and is believed to have its origin in South or Central Asia. It is one of the strongest and most durable, natural soft fiber on the planet. Its applications include paper, oils, medicine, fuel, clothing, ropes and even food. Hemp also has many industrial and environmental applications and benefits. Columbia History states that the oldest relic of human industry is a remnant of a hemp fabric dating from about 8,000 BC.
Another interesting fact about hemp is that it was used by Americans as currency, to pay their taxes.
Marijuana and hemp are two different things and each has its own applications and benefits.
One of the main differences between them is that marijuana is commonly used for medical treatment and recreation. Many use it for its psychoactive effects, which depend on the cannabinoid content. Hemp, on the other hand, contains a large amount of cannabidiol (CBD) and only a small amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp cannabinoid strains are the ideal way to benefit from cannabis without the psychoactive effect.
Visit https://wander.menu/ to learn more about hemp and the amazing products made from hemp to benefit health and well being.