What is the Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana?
Cannabis or Indian hemp (Cannabis sativa forma Indica) is a variety of common hemp from which ropes and sacks are made. It is a plant that comes from Central Asia, but is currently grown from the Himalayas to Colombia and Jamaica, Eastern Europe and the Netherlands. The plant has been cultivated for 3,000 years in China, where it had been used as a drug against rheumatism and malaria.
The plant contains about 60 chemical compounds with psychoactive effects (capable of blocking nerve impulses), called cannabinoids. The main compound is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which induces much of the effects that made the Indian hemp plant famous. Common hemp contains cannabinoid compounds, which have no psychoactive effects. Curative Hemp oil can be used to successfully reduce pain, inflammation and other symptoms.
On the other hand, marijuana is the name given to a mixture of flowers, leaves and young stems of Indian hemp. The term "Marijuana" comes from the slang of Spanish spoken in Mexico, and from there it has spread to the rest of the countries that belong to the Hispanic cultural space, and then throughout the world. Marijuana, which comes from Maria and Juana, two very popular female names in Latin America, is sometimes referred to as marihuana or marijuana. It is now being sold as a legal drug in a growing number of countries around the world, being sold as a dried plant, resin, powder and oil.