Muscle Massage Oil
Massage in an effective “workout” for muscles after injury or surgery and will help speed up your recovery. So, it is time to manipulate those muscles and other soft tissues of the body to relieve pain and heal. Our massage oil is easily absorbed, its nourishing, moisturizing, pleasant and relaxing.
This versatile oil helps on many levels, its anti-inflammatory properties help treat muscle cramps, spasms, and sprains. it also helps by nourishing your skin, opening blocked nasal passages as well as stimulate the senses. Remember that massage can help relieve migraines, reduce stress, improve circulation, and help restore full function after an injury.
4 fl oz.
jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, argan oil, hemp extract (cbd), essential oil blend of plai, peppermint and lavender.
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please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions! We answer a lot of questions from our customers and will be happy to provide any information we can to help you learn more about our products.